Psychology is a vast and fascinating field that deeps into understanding human behavior, cognition, emotions, and mental processes. Whether you’re an undergraduate or postgraduate student, mastering key concepts and theories is crucial for excelling in your psychology major. To help students navigate the rich syllabus, we’ve compiled detailed authentic Psychology Major Notes structured syllabus-wise as per most of the Universities.
Psychology Major Courses Notes
EP: 101 Cognitive Psychology
EP: 102 Psychological Testing: Theory & Applications
EP: 103 Experimental Psychology: Practical
EP: 104 Research Methodology
EP: 105 Statistics Methods
Major Elective Courses
EP: 110 Sports Psychology
EP: 111 Psychology of Sustainability
Psychology Major Courses Notes
EP: 201 Neuropsychology
EP: 202 Learning & Memory
EP: 203 Psychological Testing: Practical
EP: 204 On-the Job Training/Field Project
EP: 205 Inferential Statistics
Major Elective Courses
EP: 210 Forensic Psychology
EP: 211 Indian Psychology
Psychology Major Courses Notes
EP: 301 Personality
EP: 310 Psychopathology-I
EP: 311 Psycho-diagnostic Procedure and Techniques
EP: 320 Personnel Psychology
EP: 321 Organizational Behaviour
EP: 330 Counselling Process
EP: 331 Counselling Skills and Psychotherapy
EP: 340 Research Project
EP: 341 Qualitative Approach to Research
Elective Courses (any one)
EP: 350 Positive Psychology 4
EP: 351 Consumer Psychology 4
Psychology Major Courses Notes
EP: 401 Emotion and Motivation
EP: 410 Psychopathology-II
EP: 411 Psychotherapies
EP: 412 Research Project/Practicum (Clinical Psychology)
EP: 420 Human Resource Management
EP: 421 Organizational Development
EP: 422 Research Project/Practicum (Industrial Psychology)
EP: 430 Guidance and Career Counselling
EP: 431 Areas of Counselling
EP: 432 Research Project/Practicum (Counseling Psychology)
Major Eclectic Courses (any one)
EP: 450 Health Psychology
EP: 451 Psychology of Aging
References for Psychology Major Notes
1. Farmer, T. A., & Matlin, M. W. (2019). Cognition. John Wiley & Sons.
2. Galotti, K. M. (2017). Cognitive psychology in and out of the laboratory. SagePublications.
3. Sternberg, R.J., Sternberg, K., and Jeff, M. (2011). Cognitive Psychology. Wadsworth.
4. Kellogg, R. T. (2015). Fundamentals of cognitive psychology. Sage Publications.
5. Solso, R. L. (2014). Cognitive Psychology (8th ed). Pearson Education: India.
6. Glass, A. L. (2016). Cognition: A neuroscience approach. Cambridge University Press.
7. Wade, C. and Tavris, C. (2007). Psychology. ND: Pearson Education.
8. Morgan, C. T., & King, R. A. (2017). Introduction to Psychology: McGraw-Hill.
9. Feldman, R. S. (2021). Understanding psychology (15th ed. McGraw-Hill.
10. Best, J. B. (1999). Cognitive Psychology. USA: Wadsworth Publishing Co.
11. Guenther R. K. (1998). Human Cognition. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
12. Kaplan, S. & Kaplan, R. (1982). Cognition and environment. N.Y.: Praeger Publishers
13. Reed S. K. (1998). Cognition: Theory and application (3rd ed). California: Brooks/ColePub. Company
1.Anastasi, A. & Urbina, S. (1997). Psychological testing. N.D.: Pearson Education.
2. Kaplan, R.M. & Saccuzzo, D.P. (2007). Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues. Australia: Thomson Wadsworth.
3. Gregory, R.J. (2005). Psychological testing: History, principles and applications. New Delhi: Pearson Education.
4. Singh, A.K. (2006). Tests, Measurements and Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences. Patna: Bharati Bhavan.
5. Nunnally, J.C. (1981). Psychometric theory. NY: Tata McGraw-Hill
Dr. Balaji Niwlikar. (2024, September 25). Psychology Notes. PsychUniverse.