We at PsychUniverse will bring you everything about psychology in this universe. We will help you to understand your psychology. like why you behave in certain way, how you experience emotions, why you overthink about everything.
For those who wants to study psychology, we will provide Authentic Psychology Notes with APA references, Psychology MCQs for understanding how much you have understand, we will make you aware what career path is best for you, we will teach you to read peoples minds (Yes, You Can!!)
For psychology professional, we will bring recent researches in Psychological Universe, we will equipped you the current data and trends, which psychology conference you need to attend.
Prof (Dr.) Balaji Niwlikar
Hi there,
I am a Student of Psychology, Tech Consultant and passionate about AI.
I am currently teaching in Department of Psychology, Savitribai Phule Pune University (formerly University of Pune), Pune, India. In this field of Psychology from last 12 years.
I works as Psychology content creator, Written books, conducted workshops and seminars.
Associated as resource person with Maharashtra Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (MCED), and MITCON for entrepreneurship psychology.
Dr. Balaji Niwlikar. (2023, August 24). Home. PsychUniverse. https://psychuniverse.com/home/